Friday, February 5, 2010

Matthew 10 - "Too soft"

My son Matthew claims - often claims - that I am 'too soft' on David (our youngest son). I give in too much. I baby him too much.

Really I think I just love him to bits! And if truth were told ... I am 'too soft' on all of them in one way or another. Right now I can smell the pumpkin pie I know Matthew will clamour for the moment he gets in the door. The meals for the week-end are all 'Jonathan-friendly' ... well, for the most part ... except for the Super Bowl chili - requested by Matthew. :) Perhaps I am toooo soft.

What's all this got to do with Matthew - the book of the Bible Matthew?! Well as I was reading chapter 10 it struck me (as it did Kerry) how harsh a message Jesus was giving to his newly commissioned apostles. It made me wonder if we sometimes have a picture of Jesus as being 'too soft'.

For the last few chapters we've witnessed the awesome power of Jesus as He's performed a variety of miracles. We've seen that He doesn't exclude anyone from His healing touch - the leper, the woman, the servant, the Gentile. No one is out of His sphere of love. We read about how He calmed the storm to calm the fears of His disciples. His actions showed patience, grace, mercy. His power brought healing, forgiveness and new life.

Gentle Jesus, meek and mild ...

But here in chapter 10 we see Jesus as leader; forthright, commanding, warning, encouraging but definitely not coddling or 'soft'.

It's another side of Jesus - not to exclude the gracious side or dominate it - but definitely a side to know and accept as who He is.

More to come after I read some wise people's thoughts and think further on chapter 10 ...


divad said...

I think it's a wonderful side of Jesus. I want to follow a leader and King who has authority to speak truth, even when it hurts.

My daughter continually accuses me of the same crime...babying her brother. He's just soooo adorable! :)

Beth said...

I like the leader side of Jesus. I need that. When I study scripture, I am much more drawn to his Authority. I think I'm such a "softie", I need to know it's okay (and Christlike) to use my authority.

Alison said...

I agree with you both!
What strikes me about this too is the engaging, active, dynamic aspect of the Christian life. It's not just a philosophy but a lived out experience - albeit at times with negative repercussions. I'm encouraged by Jesus' authority because it makes Him (in my mind) more trustworthy - more able to help me in difficult situations.