Ah yes ... do you find this happens to you? You have a great idea and then life happens ... and the great idea quickly gets placed on the back burner.
Just to keep you in the know, I have picked up some books from Tyndale library - a stack of commentaries - and will begin to study and post more informative things very soon. I wanted to write though to keep in the ... or more like 'get into the' ... habit of blogging. This is still new to me.
Do you find this hesitation or interruption to study Scripture happens to you? Each morning when I wake I think, 'I should get up and sit and read and pray' but the bed is so warm and the rocker seems so far away, and so I pray while laying in bed. This is good but I always feel like I've missed something when I haven't been filled with God's voice. It isn't enough just to talk to Him - I need to hear Him speak to me - to be reminded of His love for me, of His instruction, of His plans, of His past and the future promises.
I need to do more than talk about reading the Bible - or read about reading the Bible - so, thanks for reading, and thanks for this blogging method; a means to keep me moving forward ...
Satan will do anything to keep us from doing what God has called us to do. It's not a battle against "flesh and blood" but one in the spiritual realm.
We know who has won! Looking forward to reading your insights!
Greg and I delivered a "conversation" sermon today at our church because our officers are away. The topic given to us was, "Can God Really Use Me?". We looked at the topic given as how so many of us are "called" to a specific ministry, but feel "unqualified" in the world's eyes. We concluded that although we "disqualify" ourselves for service, God "qualifies" us. We looked at MATTHEW and I thought of you and this blog. Matthew was called by Christ at a social gathering. There was no time to become "qualified" to follow Christ. Christ didn't ask him to enroll in evening courses at Tyndale to better understand theology, no, He wanted to use Matthew just as he was...a sinner.
We learned from Matthew's experience that it isn't necessary to be perfect before God can use us, just forgiven. We don't have to complete a course of study to be used by Him; we just need to be available. We don't have to possess a specific set of sills and abilities, but just to be willing.
Matthew's life spoken into our lives and hearts today.
That is so cool Dawne! and so true - though I just finished my degree at Tyndale and love that place - God doesn't require us to become 'qualified' except by His grace in order to be used by Him. Thanks for writing. :)
This is so true - Don and I have had to make a conscious effort to spend time each day with God - we have done pretty well - although last night we sat down and realized that the last time we had written in our joint prayer journal was almost a week ago - we aren't even sure what stopped us - aside from band programs and sickness and...life! But it felt so good to get back into it last night - we felt that we had to ask God to forgive us for our lack of discipline!!
I appreciated Dawne's comments as well - if we wait to be 'qualified' we will waste an awful lot of time - God equips us - and we are qualified!
Thanks for writing ... as I read your comment Lori, agreeing with Dawne, what came to mind was the crossings of the Red Sea (there were two weren't there?) ... in one of them the priests had to step into the water, in faith, before it parted ... it just seemed similar in thought. Sometimes we want to wait until we see God at work in us or a situation before we step out in faith. Hmmm. Or as I am finding ... sometimes we want the blog entry to be perfect before we post anything!!!! :) A new blog is on the way ... :)
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